Frankfurter green sauce

Green sauce is a popular dish from Frankfurt. The cold herb sauce is considered a Hessian cultural asset. But no matter where you are: The recipe for the "Grie Sauce" is loved everywhere.


Ingredients serve 4 persons

5 eggs

Salt & pepper

100ml neutral oil (e.g. sunflower oil)

1 - 2 teaspoons of spicy mustard

100g schmand (sour cream 24 - 28% fat)

100g sour cream (> 10 % < 24% of fat)

ca. 150g 7 kinds of herbs, see following:

Borage (Borretsch)

Chervil (Kerbel)

Cress (Brunnenkresse)

Parsley (Petersilie)

Pimpinelle (Kleiner Wiesenkopf)

Sorrel (Sauerampfer)

Chives (Schnittlauch)

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Boil the eggs for approx. 10 minutes, rinse in cold water, peel and cut in half.

Remove the egg yolks and put them in a bowl.

Season the egg yolks with salt, pepper and mustard and stir. Stir in 100ml of oil, then 100g of sour cream. Finally stir in 100g of Schmand (fatty sour cream). If you don't have Schmand, you can also just use the same sour cream instead.

Wash the herbs and shake dry. Remove large stems. Chop the herbs and add to the bowl.

Cut the egg white into small cubes. Add 2/3 of egg white into the green sauce and garnish with the remaining egg white.

Use a blender or to chop and mix everything. Season to taste.

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